Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Failures, Hardships, and Success

It's a sad fact that while we are ready to speak about our points of success, most of us do not acknowledge nor really mention the failures and hardships that were endured to take us from a certain point in our lives to another. These points in our lives not only define, but evolve our strength of character by learning fortitude, patience, perseverance, realize our determination, and ultimately reinforce our passion which compels us to move forward and manifest our goals.

Then why are we so afraid to speak about them when mentioning these doesn't make us any less. In fact, on the contrary, haven't they taught us more than first-time success ever could? Relating these experiences offers valuable kernels of insight to another who may be enduring similar trials and tribulations along their own journey. So cheers to the failures and hardships that push us to become more - May we fail often enough to remain humble, grow wiser, and may these always be remembered fondly! :) And thank you to Edison for not only giving us the electric light bulb, but for teaching us that even failing holds its own seeds of success!

"Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working"

Genius? Nothing! Sticking to it is the genius! ... I've failed my way to success."
--Thomas Edison

On that note, here are some articles regarding mistakes, hardships, and failures...along with the explanation as to why they are wonderful. Enjoy!

I Hope You Fail: Why Failure is Good

The Greatest Mistake of All Time

Fail Your Way To Success! Why Failure Is So Wonderful!

How Have You Failed Your Way to Success Lately?

Why Failure is Good for You

Reasons for Why Failure is Good

1 comment:

Ritu and Sachin Bakery said...

Very Inspiring!! The links you provided are so good. One of the link has story about when Edison home caught fire. And the best is then he said, "There is great value in disaster. All our mistakes are burned up. Thank God we can start anew."

So good So True.

I hope to be like that someday.